Monday, April 30, 2012


in this day and age with technology booming, education climbing and the constant external and internal push for success, i find myself creating much of my art inspired by the concept of time. some work is about the fight against time/wishing we only had MORE time, and in contrast- the constant importance to remind ourselves to make the most of our time- to simplify- prioritize and ideally create balanced lives. our newest work ‘the arrow of time’ explores time, flow and disorganization:
from studying the migration of molecules and atoms astronomer Eddington (1927) found that time has an obvious direction of flow, coined “the arrow of time”. there is an asymmetry and one-way direction of time (this is why we feel like there ‘never is enough time’ to do what we need to do- ‘if only we could stop time’, or better yet- ‘have a time machine’). as time moves onward the system (our lives) statistically becomes more disorganized, as the increase in random element occurs. i have been fascinated by the concept of entropy since I first learned about it (as this explains why my house seemingly becomes messy only days after I have spent hours cleaning it); entropy is the universe’s natural tendency to become disorganized. our new work ‘the arrow of time’ explores this entropy as related to time, and visually we see the migration of dancers, energy and disorganization. we hope that viewing this will stimulate the audience to connect with their own psychological/perceptual arrow of time- as we all journey through time we gather information/experiences that we store as our memories, what we remember is our past, what we do not is our future, all culminating to shape our individual perception.

we will premiere 'the arrow of time' at our june 15-17 show, "1x7", in cambridge, MA. 

"art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -thomas merton