Thursday, September 13, 2012


“the little things? the little moments? they aren't little.”
-Jon Kabat-Zinn

i did not anticipate that turning 30 (ahhhh just this week) would include a momentary self-analysis. why i continue to make dances, choreograph, perform and run a company, all with little to no return may sound crazy. but, in the words of eric lowen, it is more rewarding than anything i ever imagined.

we artists do not create for money, although some every once in a while is helpful. we don’t create for fame, although a Hanes commercial would be fun. what we create for is much simpler. for connection with others, for community enhancement, for group and self-growth and as a reminder of what really matters.

SPUNKandCOmpany is in the midst of a special project; SEPARATED.

SEPARATED will be a one-night only performance on november 10, 2012, illuminating the life, courage and artistry of eric lowen who bravely fought ALS, often known as Lou Gehrig's disease. proceeds will be given to ALS research. artists of all kinds will unite to celebrate the importance of the creative mind, as seen in eric's talents and contributions. the performance will feature the music of Lowen and Navarro, live cello accompaniment, SPUNKandCOmpany contemporary dancers, original choreography, multimedia dance/video performance and live painting.

eric lowen passed away on march 23, 2012, after complications from ALS.


this project is why I do what I do, and turning 30 in the wake of this all was perfect.


“between courage and vulnerability, there is a place called peace.”
-Cat Forsley




