Monday, June 11, 2012


"All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move." -Benjamin Franklin
it takes time to learn who you are as an artist, a performer, a mover. it takes even more time to learn who you are as a group of artists, performers and movers. it takes a continuous strive for excellence, unyielding integrity, complete openness, compassion and respect, a clear vision, and a solid plan, to succeed as a collaborative dance company.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." - Henry Ford

we are presenting a line-up of work this upcoming weekend that speaks to who we are as a company. the movers and dance makers in this group are strong, fearless, powerful, but at the same time emotive, vulnerable, and real. the movement is of the juicy delicious kind contrasted with grounded power and palpable energy… and I’m so excited for our supporters/friends/and newbies to see what we have created together. (an onlooker this past weekend at Jose Mateo’s Dance for World Community described our soloist as a “beast”, which in the dance world, if you don’t know,  is a total complimentJ)
“trust the process.”

as you can tell by how i speak of the women of SPUNKandCO, i am continuously amazed by their talents, dedication, thoughtfulness, creativity and artistry. along with our forging ahead together we value process, and continue to push each other, support each other: to become better artists, movers and people.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton

“1 x 7” entails a range of issues, topics….bullying…amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)…flow of time: physical and psychological….the wait/want game…life’s chaos…individualism/sameness…..we are premiering 5+ works, revisiting a favorite, with 7 dancers, 1 cellist, in 3 nights: june 15-17th at the julie ince thompson theater at the dance complex in cambridge, MA.
this is a show not to be missed.

"Won't you come into the garden?  I would like my roses to see you."  ~Richard Brinsley Sheridan


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